Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sick House

It seems like we had a 24hr bug in the house. Mine started with a sinus headache in the evening and J-cakes' started at work the next day around lunch time. Well, it seems like mine was 24hrs. His could last for an entire week just to spite me. Thankfully, the Bear hasn't gotten sick. He was a trooper all day while we moaned into pillows and turned the thermostat to 80 degrees.

And after just one day of feeling like crap, I must clean the house. I'm so unproductive while sick, that I feel like I must make up for my lapse in cleanliness. Plus we have to wash all the yucky pillow cases and bed sheets.

I do hope the husband feels better. Caring for a sick adult man is worse than a sick baby. At least the babies want to cuddle. The man just whines, sniffles, cries and wants you to fetch him things from the kitchen, refuses any medicine you offer, and cries some more. Grow up. You've been getting sick for nearly 30 years. You should know you're going to survive!

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