Monday, August 17, 2009

Hawt like Whoa

I'm in Memphis for the week until my in-laws get back in town. AND I have a fever...AGAIN! I thought I was having random allergies to the 3 dogs in this house. So not use to animals. But I was so achy and cold last night. I figured it was because of the Bear sleeping with me again. He can be such a restless sleeper. Kicking me in the gut, then all of a sudden a friggin roundhouse to the jaw! Yikes! Please oh please grow out of this soon!!!

Anyways, I was achy and cold. But I didn't feel sick, just tired. I woke up this morning to take my niece to school and decided to take my temperature. I ALWAYS bring my thermometer when I travel. I love love love my thermometer, the one that goes in the ear super quick. I don't know how many people have offered me the regular ones and they suck for infants or toddlers. Hello, I can barely keep those things in my mouth for the time allotted. So I took my temp and...YOWZERS! 102.5!!! Like whoa, y'all.

Didn't I get over this last week? I've been popping Tylenol all day and it keeps the yuckies at bay. I like to tough out my sickness. I'm not a quitter. I must be in incredible pain if you see me laying on the couch moaning that I'm sick.

So hopefully I'll feel better soon. I hope the fever doesn't last for 4 days again. That would suck big time.

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