Tuesday, January 26, 2010

open arms

Sometimes I just want to open my arms wide and take care of everyone so they can just be happy. I think that's pretty normal. I'm so happy when the people I love are happy.

But now that I'm attemptimg to make one particular person happy by opening up my home to them...omigosh. Whoa? Did I just seriously offer my home to this person while they're gonna be pregnant? Geewillikers there...That's like a big thing to do...How are we gonna make this work?

But you know what? Like I told her, we're friends. This is what friends do for one another in hard times. I'd feel so crazy special if someone helped me out in this way. And we're just trying to help during this difficult period in her life. That's the best anyone can do. It's not going to be easy, but it's not impossible. There are worse situations out there for her, and we can't turn our back on someone in need.

But frankly, I'm a little astonished at our generosity. She'll only come if she gets a job in Nashville. And my mind starts racing... Wow. A baby in the house? Maybe. Maybe she'll leave soon afterwards and go home to her family? I'm not sure. I just hope she can find the best thing for herself and the baby. And we'll help her with the crazy ride.

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