Saturday, January 9, 2010

A down side

I've been feeling a bit down lately. Not a bit, more like a lot. And I've got the classic signs of exhaustion, weepiness, and irritability. I yearn for hubs to come home, but then I get upset at everything when he is home. No one deserves that.

I struggle taking medicine. I have a hard time taking any medicine regularly, and I always feel the backlash. It sucks. I seriously yearn for the day that I can take a shot once a month like yo can do birth control now. But then I sometimes have a hard time with that.

Maybe it's me not wanting to accept that I won't always be normal. I will have to take medicine for the rest of my life, thus yielding control to pills. These tiny little pills govern my life. My life, my husbands life and my son's life.

I don't think that's very fair.

I've come to terms that these things are beyond my control. I understand that my body has some chemistry issues and things could be a lot worse. There's always a worse scenario. But I guess I haven't come to terms with my treatment.

Maybe I haven't come to terms with the results either.

And now my kid is yelling at Joe from Blue's Clues. At least those kind of things don't come in a pill form.

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