Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My MIL thinks Series 1

My MIL thinks I had the swine flu while I was in Memphis. Apparently a bunch of the kids in the neighborhood are sick. So I must have gotten them sick? Yeah...I don't think so, Lady. If you understood how much I dislike Memphis, you'd totally know that I didn't leave that house unless necessary. To pick up my niece from school and go the the grocery store twice...AND I never went near the neighbor's kids. Pff. I'm a total snob and don't even mutter hello. I don't wave or nothing. BECAUSE I don't live there!!! Why should I waste my energy when I'm trying to charm the shit out of Nashville so I might grow to appreciate this city. (MAJOR FAIL BTW)

And the flu just sucks. I mean, my virus sucked, but the flu...It really really sucks. Isn't it characterized with diarrhea and vomit? Don't check those boxes for my symptoms, thank you very much. I'm still battling this cough. I'm like in the umpteenth round of this face off, and I it's a total draw.

It's funny how I feel so insulted that someone thinks I had the swine flu. It must be the "pig" association. lol

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