Thursday, March 4, 2010

terrible news

Today, we received terrible news from a close friend. He's been a long time friend, supporter and even the Bear's godfather.

He sent out a text that he and his wife found out last week that their child had a fatal chromosomal disorder. And she went into labor today and they had their little one for a brief moment. They named the baby and asked for prayers and support.

I think so many things can rip your heart when it comes to kids. You see how wonderful and loving they can be. They're just pure love. And it was so exciting to see them celebrating this new little baby coming into their lives. I don't know how it could possibly feel for them to lose that hope and anticipation within a week.

It's so unfair for little lives to be lost. And as much as I believe in God, I've had bone to pick with him over things like this. When my son was severely sick and we thought he was going to die within his first week of birth, I could I see it all as a lesson in life? How could I see a child's suffering as some sort of sacrifice for us? How is that right and in any kind of plan? All the explanations seem so vague.

How can you possibly comfort such well-deserving people like them? What do you say? Validate their grief? Tell them it's going to be ok? Tell them God has her now? No, I just can't. I can't, God. And you can't punish us for loving our kids so much, that we get upset and heartbroken when they're taken from us.

Life should be better than this. Life should be celebratory. They are helpless, and it's not fair to hurt them like that. To take life before they can even live it.

But I suppose my husband could explain it all as science. When I look at my son, he doesn't look like a science project. He's much better than that.

I'm sorry they can't feel or experience what I've been able to with my son. I'm sorry nothing can make it go away except for time. Making an impossible decision makes them better than me. They're the strongest people I know. I hope their hearts find peace.

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