So we went back to El Paso, TX for the Bear's spring break. And I just wasn't really into it. I'm sure it showed. I wanted to stay home with my husband, but he was going to work anyways. I thought a week in TX with family would be a welcome distraction, but all I saw were things I was happy to leave when I was a teenager. And it's sad. Going back home use to fill me with that yummy nostalgic feeling. But the whole city seems to be changing. It's been overtaken by just "stuff." Like media, violence, and suburbanite stores. It use to be kind of authentic in a way that the people loved chain stores, but held their community's businesses closer. Now it's just overtaken by brand names and advertising.
It's a turn off. I miss that homegrown quality. Which is a stretch to use, since nothing grows in West Texas...
My family never changes. My mom is such a great person. She doesn't even have to ask, and I don't even have to tell. Yes, my clothing is falling apart and the Bear needs summer outfits, and she's happy to help us out. She's amazing for putting up with our spending that week.
But that poor Bear...He had the nastiest virus ever. His whole upper lip turned raw from his constantly runny nose. He regressed with his speech to the point of grunting and motioning at what he wanted. He finally asked to go to the "Docty" and I couldn't refuse. Ah, those Mexican drs...They love them so antibiotics. He clearly had a virus, with a cough. But they gave him a Z-pak, and I just laughed. We love antibiotics in El Paso. People think they're the cure-all of any ailment. Ha.
Thankfully, the Bear felt good enough for some shenanigans with his beloved cousins. It's nice to see him hang out with them. They're silly just like him and they're prone to fits of giggles. They make me giggle like crazy too.