Thursday, August 6, 2009


Mommy is sick. It's been 3 days now of feeling like I'm on the brink of getting super sick. But instead, I'm just feverish, lethargic, and achy. My husband feels good today. The Bear didn't get sick at all (cross fingers).

Being sick is the dumps. We missed our first play date this morning too. I was gonna tough it out, but then I realized I could barely complete a thought much less a sentence.

It could be worse.

I just hope we're okay for this weekend. There's a family event for residents of hubby's work. It's at an inflatable bounce place...whatever you call them. These things are usually $7 for one kid, so we get in for free AND free pizza. Hell, yeah! I RSVPed asap. Problem is my kid looooves pizza, but is scared of bounce houses. He gets super excited and just when you're about to put him in, he wraps his legs around you in a death grip. So he has the greatest time jumping right next to the bounce house. That's fine by me as long as he's smiling! You're only as happy as your happiest child, right?

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