Monday, August 17, 2009

Hawt like Whoa

I'm in Memphis for the week until my in-laws get back in town. AND I have a fever...AGAIN! I thought I was having random allergies to the 3 dogs in this house. So not use to animals. But I was so achy and cold last night. I figured it was because of the Bear sleeping with me again. He can be such a restless sleeper. Kicking me in the gut, then all of a sudden a friggin roundhouse to the jaw! Yikes! Please oh please grow out of this soon!!!

Anyways, I was achy and cold. But I didn't feel sick, just tired. I woke up this morning to take my niece to school and decided to take my temperature. I ALWAYS bring my thermometer when I travel. I love love love my thermometer, the one that goes in the ear super quick. I don't know how many people have offered me the regular ones and they suck for infants or toddlers. Hello, I can barely keep those things in my mouth for the time allotted. So I took my temp and...YOWZERS! 102.5!!! Like whoa, y'all.

Didn't I get over this last week? I've been popping Tylenol all day and it keeps the yuckies at bay. I like to tough out my sickness. I'm not a quitter. I must be in incredible pain if you see me laying on the couch moaning that I'm sick.

So hopefully I'll feel better soon. I hope the fever doesn't last for 4 days again. That would suck big time.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Eat here, not there

From now on the kid can only eat on Daddy's chair. It's the leather chair in the house and thus the easiest to clean. I had to wash my new couch's covers fr the first time today because of a Benadryl cream mishap. I KNEW he was hiding something when he looked like he wiped something on the couch. But I shrugged and didn't look until later. Horror! Only because this is a new couch. I selected the material and waited 5 weeks for this motherfudger. However, let's remind ourselves that we purposely chose this material because we knew the Bear wouldn't care about my feelings. We knew he'd wipe all sorts of organic/inorganic/unorganic/misorganic things on my property. Isn't it interesting how although I am a grown up, I still can't have grown up things because I have a kid? *sigh*

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I finally got better! I was carrying a fever around for 4 days! Four days! And the slightest amount of anxiety would make it worse. Husband at home plus 2 yr old equals high amounts of anxiety. I finally started feeling better for tax-free weekend. But when I realized I'd have to shell out at least $800 for a compooper...Yeah, I chomped on some more Tylenol. whew.

poop goes the old compooper.
poop goes my bank account squeezing out any bit of money we use to have.


And as much as I wanted to participate in tax-free weekend, it was hellish out there! I mean, the sales weren't even that good! And people were swarming the stores and they were in the worst moods ever. Back-to-school shopping use to be fun. I loved having new things to take to school. I went to a private school, but new school supplies were awesome. Shiny notebooks, crisp sheets of paper...sigh.

BTW, I found something awesome at the store. I can't wait to use this for plane rides. It's like painting but without the hassle! Water-free watercolors! You just moisten the tips of the brushes and then wipe off the paint on a pad when you want a new color. So friggin cool.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Mommy is sick. It's been 3 days now of feeling like I'm on the brink of getting super sick. But instead, I'm just feverish, lethargic, and achy. My husband feels good today. The Bear didn't get sick at all (cross fingers).

Being sick is the dumps. We missed our first play date this morning too. I was gonna tough it out, but then I realized I could barely complete a thought much less a sentence.

It could be worse.

I just hope we're okay for this weekend. There's a family event for residents of hubby's work. It's at an inflatable bounce place...whatever you call them. These things are usually $7 for one kid, so we get in for free AND free pizza. Hell, yeah! I RSVPed asap. Problem is my kid looooves pizza, but is scared of bounce houses. He gets super excited and just when you're about to put him in, he wraps his legs around you in a death grip. So he has the greatest time jumping right next to the bounce house. That's fine by me as long as he's smiling! You're only as happy as your happiest child, right?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sick House

It seems like we had a 24hr bug in the house. Mine started with a sinus headache in the evening and J-cakes' started at work the next day around lunch time. Well, it seems like mine was 24hrs. His could last for an entire week just to spite me. Thankfully, the Bear hasn't gotten sick. He was a trooper all day while we moaned into pillows and turned the thermostat to 80 degrees.

And after just one day of feeling like crap, I must clean the house. I'm so unproductive while sick, that I feel like I must make up for my lapse in cleanliness. Plus we have to wash all the yucky pillow cases and bed sheets.

I do hope the husband feels better. Caring for a sick adult man is worse than a sick baby. At least the babies want to cuddle. The man just whines, sniffles, cries and wants you to fetch him things from the kitchen, refuses any medicine you offer, and cries some more. Grow up. You've been getting sick for nearly 30 years. You should know you're going to survive!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sucker for Sleep

Oh, how cute, right? Oh, he looks like an angel...*sigh*

This kid, I swear. I could boast for so long about how his sleep habits are so great. He doesn't nap, but he goes to bed without a fight. We have a routine of pj's, book, music, and then "night-night."

But we've totally hit a wall. The Bear has been in hysterics this week, which is totally not the week to give me hard time. I've been so full of , I don't know if it's anxiety or what, but it's BS either way. So my sleep has been completely backwards. I've been functioning on maybe a couple of hours of sleep a night and Mama is gonna lose her friggin mind at any moment. Whew.

The Bear has his moments like any kid at night where he wakes up and might need a pat on the back to lie back down again. I have no problem with this. But we've had 3 nights of pure battle. He wakes up at random hours like he's being beaten by his little stuffed animals. As I'm trying to soothe him or ask him what is wrong between is warbled gasps for air, he just gives me mixed signals.

Scratches the back of his neck..."Oh, is your tag on your shirt bothering you?"


Wipes his forehead..."Are you too hot?"


Scratches his legs..."Do you have itchies (mosquito bites)?"


*Sniffle, sniffle*..."Do you need a hug?"


This goes on forever, or at least 5-20 minutes. It's all a fog since I'm half awake. He might stop crying, sniffle, stand up, hug me, and then...try to fall asleep on my arm.? Oh, hell no. I'm not going to stand by your crib and let you sleep on me. I do not possess this same talent, so no way will I stay up as your pillow.

And yes, my son still sleeps in a crib. We haven't had any problems and we figured we'd wait for the appropriate clues to get a big boy bed. Which brings me to the second night of hell...The Bear has trouble communicating in his fits of anger, so during one of said fits while I was asking what the eff is going on with you (but in a mommy-like coo) he started beating up the bars of the crib. He was hitting them and yelling at them like a bear (lol). So now I'm wondering if he's just done with the crib and might be knocking into the bars.

By about the third time he wakes up, I'm so exhausted from my continuous lack of sleep. I just take him to the guest bedroom and we both completely knock out, until he wakes up and asks for pancakes. He tried to take me into the bedroom last night for "night-night" but I put my foot down that he needed to sleep in his crib. I don't have a rail for the guest bed and I really don't want to go to bed at 9pm to make sure he doesn't fall off the side.

I'm such a sucker for the toddler bed. They're so adorable and so perfect for a transition to a big boy bed. I'm sure they're really just a transition for moms. I've been wanting to get him a toddler bed, but maybe he's just really needing the space. Maybe he'd be better off with a twin bed. Ugh. His language barrier is really not helping right now. So in the meantime, I'm sleeping in the spare bedroom and trying to soothe him during his fits. If they get so out of control that I can't do anything else to help, I just let him cry it out. He's exhausted and he's lying in a perfectly good bed. Ta-dah! Just take it, kid. At least until your dad and I can make a well rested decision. Argh!!!